In conjunction with the Jesuit Schools Network, the province provides Ignatian formation opportunities and fiduciary responsibility formation resources for boards of trustees and directors of our schools. These include spiritual retreat experiences, mentoring opportunities, Ignatian Moment experiences, school financial investment and social responsibilities conversations, and online Ignatian formation opportunities.
Jesuit Resources
Ignatian SpiritualityÂ
Learn about the spirituality rooted in the teachings of St. Ignatius Loyola elsewhere on our site or other online sources, including: |
Boston College’s Portal to Jesuit Studies |
Creighton University’s Online Ministry |
Xavier University’s Jesuit Resources  |
International Society of Jesus
Documents related to the Jesuits’ educational mission can be found on the Jesuit Curia’s website.
Jesuit Schools Network
Standards & Benchmarks pdf |
Jesuit Prayer
Join the global JesuitPrayer community for daily Scripture, Ignatian reflection, and prayer.