Province Congregation Guided by the Holy Spirit

June 21, 2022 – Father Provincial Thomas P. Greene, SJ, convened a province congregation in St. Louis, June 12 – 14.

Fr. Brian Christopher
Brian Christopher, SJ

A province congregation is an administrative function of the Society of Jesus. Its focus is narrow and its responsibilities clear: its primary duty is to elect a procurator (and a substitute, in case the man elected cannot attend) to attend the Congregation of Procurators in Loyola, Spain, in May 2023. The international congregation will, in turn, decide whether it is necessary to call a larger, lengthier general congregation consisting of Jesuits from all over the world.

Father Brian A. Christopher, SJ, was elected procurator for the Jesuits USA Central and Southern Province; Fr. Steven A. Schoenig, SJ, will serve as the substitute, should the need arise.

Fr. Steve Schoenig
Steve Schoenig, SJ

General congregations are called when the superior general of the Society has died or is otherwise leaving office or when it is deemed there is critical Society-wide business to discuss.

The 50 delegates at the Province Congregation included 40 men who were elected by members of the province, five Jesuits whose positions are appointed by the superior general and five men selected by the provincial.

Father Schoenig also gave a homily before the election of Fr. Christopher. Read the full homily here.