U.S. Jesuits Release Statement on Protecting the Unborn as 45th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade Approaches

January 18, 2018 — January 22 will mark 45 years since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision made abortion legal in the United States, and today the Society of Jesus in the U.S. is asking Jesuits and their collaborators to continue to stand in solidarity with the unborn and with mothers in difficult situations.

“Protecting the Least Among Us: A Statement of the Society of Jesus in the United States on Abortion” reiterates the Jesuits’ support for the unborn, calling abortion “part of the massive injustices in our society.”

“A spirit of callous disregard for life shows itself in direct assaults on human life such as abortion and capital punishment. … We also seek justice in ensuring that pregnant women and mothers have the resources they need to care for their children and live full lives.”

Father Timothy Kesicki, SJ, president of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the U.S., says, “From the beginning, St. Ignatius founded the Jesuits for the promotion of the faith and the progress of souls in the teachings of Christ. As Jesuits, we continue this mission, to accompany the child in the womb and the community into which each one of us has been born.”

The statement comes one day before members of the Ignatian family, including many students at Jesuit high schools and colleges, will gather in Washington, D.C., for the annual Jesuit Mass for Life. Noting that the work to end abortion requires not just a change in policy, but a change in culture, it says, “We see great hope in the large number of individuals, especially young Americans, who are active in pro-life efforts.”

In addition to calling for Jesuits to stand in solidarity with the unborn — the “least of our brothers and sisters” (Matthew 25:40) — through prayer and political activism, the statement asks Jesuits to deepen their accompaniment with women who have had an abortion.

Jesuits and their colleagues must “find ever new and creative ways to bring the protection of the unborn and solidarity with mothers in difficult situations into whatever mission they serve.”

To read the full statement, available in English and Spanish, click here.