2022 Jubilarians

Jesuits Celebrate Jubilee Anniversaries

Story Title 75 Years a Jesuit
Current Assignment Praying for the Church and Society
Title Father

Albert Louapre, SJ


Father Albert Louapre, SJ, has been a member of the Society of Jesus for 75 years.  

The New Orleans native has served in a variety of ministries over his lifetime of service.  

He is perhaps best known for his service at several Jesuit high schools. He was principal at Jesuit College Prep in Dallas (1963-70), University of Detroit High School (1974-75), Strake Jesuit College Prep in Houston (1978-79) and Jesuit High School in Tampa (1985-88).  

He also taught at several high schools, sometimes while serving as principal, and was socius and director of secondary education for the former New Orleans Province for a number of years. 

After nearly two decades of retreat direction, Fr. Louapre has, since 2015, been praying for the Church and Society in Arnaudville, La.