Claude Pavur


Father Claude Pavur, SJ, is an associate editor at the Institute of Jesuit Sources at the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies at Boston College.  

He has published a number of works on topics ranging from texts on Latin language to Jesuit education. He recently teamed up with lay colleague Cristiano Casalini to publish the first annotated English translation of Jesuit Father Francesco Sacchini’s Exhortations and Advice for Teachers of Young Students in Jesuit Schools 

His scholarly interests include Latin pedagogy, Jesuit education and the history of classical Western humanism.  

He possesses a bachelor’s degree from Yale University, a Bachelor of Sacred Theology and Master of Divinity from Regis College in Toronto, a Master of Sacred Theology from the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, and Ph.D. in Philosophy/Classical Humanities from Emory University. 

Publication list: 

Printed volumes 

Francesco Sacchini, S.J. Exhortation and Advice to Teachers of Young Students in Jesuit Schools (translated, annotated, and co-edited with Cristiano Casalini). Chestnut Hill, MA: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2021. 

Joseph de Jouvancy, S.J. The Way to Learn and the Way to Teach (translated, annotated, and co-edited with Cristiano Casalini). Chestnut Hill, MA: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2020. 

In the School of Ignatius: Studious Zeal and Devoted Learning. Chestnut Hill, MA: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2019. 

Jesuit Pedagogy, 1540–1616: A Reader (co-edited with Cristiano Casalini). Chestnut Hill, MA: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2016. 

Pedro de Ribadeneira [S.J.]. The Life of Ignatius of Loyola. Translated from the critical edition of the Latin text, with introduction, notes, appendices, bibliography, and index. Saint Louis: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2014. 

Easy on the Odes: A Latin Phrase-Book for the Odes of Horace. Lulu publishing, 2012. 

The Ratio Studiorum: The Official Plan for Jesuit Education. Translation, introduction, notes, four appendices, and index. Saint Louis: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2005. 

Nietzsche Humanist. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1998. 

Original Ebooks: 

Jesus as Source: The Rise of the Written Gospel in Earliest Christianity (2017, expanded edition of As It Is Written). 

As It Is Written: The Nature, Purpose, and Meaning of Mark’s Gospel  (2011, revised from 1985 master’s thesis at the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley). 

The Olympianization of Greece: The Making of the Greek Miracle (October 6, 2014, revised from 1982 version). 

Ebook editions and original translations 

Colloquial Latin: A Phrasebook (Nathaniel Howard’s Select Latin Phrases) (April 10, 2021) 

Learn Latin with Caesar’s Gallic Wars Book 3. (October 29, 2018) 

Learn Latin with Cicero On Duties 1 (September 17, 2016) 

Selectissimae: Latin Phrases for Mastery (July 9, 2016) 

Smart Latin: Maxims for Mastery (February 18, 2016)  

Selected Stories from Deeds of the Romans (February 20, 2016) 

Sundial Latin: Thoughts Light and Dark (April 27, 2015) 

Learn Latin with Seneca: An Acceleration Reader with Pari Passu Translation (July 22, 2014) 

Notable Romans: De Viris Illustribus (Revised Four-Part Series) – (March 30, 2020) 

Cicero’s Pro Archia: An Acceleration Reader with Translation (July 24, 2013; third edition, 2019) 

Learn Latin with Celebrities: An Easy Latin Reader with Translations (September 25, 2013) 

Learn Latin with Aesop: An Easy Latin Reader with Translations (October 12, 2013) 

Sallust’s Bellum Catilinae. Pari passu dual-language format. Second edition.  

Epitome of Sacred History: Epitome Historiae Sacrae, Francois L’Homond, 1843. Latest edition and translation, 2018 

John Harmar’s Praxis Grammatica of 1623 (January 11, 2013) 

Ebook editions with some original material 

How Latin Turns a Phrase: Finer Points of Latin Prose With Edwin A. Abbott. (October 22, 2016) 

Key Latin Vocabularies: Based on the Lists of J. Franz Ahn as edited by Peter Henn (October 31, 2014; latest edition 2020) 

Horae Latinae: Robert Ogilvie’s Studies in Synonyms and Syntax (August 12, 2014) 

Particularly Great Latin: Noteworthy Latin Expressions From and For All Ages. Adapts, corrects, reshapes, and expands the Latin part of Henry T. Riley’s 1866 Dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations, proverbs, maxims, and mottos, classical and mediaeval, including law terms and phrases. (March 18, 2014) 

Ablative Phrasebook: Mastering Latin’s Most Interesting Case (January 4, 2014) 

Latin Prepositions: A Handbook for Teachers and Students (November 6, 2013) 

Ebook editions 

Learn Latin Epistle Verses (May 8, 2016) 

Learn Latin Gospel Verses (April 9, 2016) 

The Art of Everyday Latin: Part III: Based on Adler’s Exercises (September 27, 2014) 

The Art of Everyday Latin: Part II: Based on Adler’s Exercises (September 22, 2014) 

The Art of Everyday Latin: Part I: Based on Adler’s Exercises (September 18, 2014) 

Giovanni Costa’s Latin Translation of Alexander Pope’s Essay On Man: A Pari Passu Bilingual Edition (March 24, 2014) 

Caesar Phrasebook [from Charles A. Harris’s Idioms and Phrases of Caesar, 1906] (November 18, 2013) 

Cicero Phrasebook [adaptation and revision of a selection from Joachim Mueller in Idiomata Linguae Latinae: Fasciculus II: Idiomata Quae M. Tullio Ciceroni Sunt Propria (New York: Hinds & Noble, 1899)] (September 4, 2013) 

Longinus On the Sublime (Latin translation by Zachary Pearce) 

Easy on the Odes: A Latin Phrase-Book for the Odes of Horace 

Confucius’Analects in Latin (translated by Angelo Zottoli) 

Beowulf. Latin translation by Grímur Jónsson Thorkelin, 1815 

Particularly Good Latin (A Revision of Thomas Dyche’s English Particles Latiniz’d, 1713). (April 25, 2013) 

De Viris Illustribus by Charles François L’Homond 

Corderius Colloquies Book 2 Annotated in Latin by Arcadius Avellanus (2013) 

Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar in a Latin Translation by Henry Denison. A bilingual pari passu edition. (March 23, 2013) 

Shakespeare’s Sonnets in Latin, Barton, 1913. A bilingual edition by Claude Pavur. 

Gesta Romanorum: The Deeds of the Romans, 1342 [ed. Wilhelm Dick, 1890].  

Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, Latin Translation by J. Schulz, 1840 

Ebook Acceleration Readers 

Cicero’s De Officiis: An Acceleration Reader 

Cicero’s De Domo Sua: An Acceleration Reader  

Cicero’s Tusculan Disputations (Book I): An Acceleration Reader  

Cicero’s Pro Archia: An Acceleration Reader with Translation 

Plutarch’s Life of Cicero in Latin: An Acceleration Reader 

Seneca’s Letters: Books I and II in Acceleration Reader Format  

Pliny’s Letters, Books 1 and 2: An Acceleration Reader 

Livy, Ab Urbe Condita XXIII: An Acceleration Reader 

De Viris Illustribus a Romulo ad Augustum, Charles François L’Homond, 1843 


“Forget the Ratio Studiorum or Recover Its Genius?” in Juan García-Huidobro, ed., Jesuit Education at the Crossroads: Discussions on Contemporary Jesuit Primary and Secondary Schools in North and Latin America (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books / Rowman and Littlefield, 2021), 133–39.  

“The Historiography of Jesuit Pedagogy”, in: Jesuit Historiography Online. Consulted online on 28 June 2017 <>. First published, October 2016. 

“Ignatius at School: Studies, Spirituality, and Service in the Society of Jesus,” New Jesuit Review 3:12 (2013). Fuller version at “In the School of Ignatius.” 

“How We Might Move On From Here: A Hope” : A Response to “How We Got Here: A History” by Raymond A. Schroth, S.J. [Talking Back Feature] Conversations 41 [Spring 2012],” Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education: Vol. 43, Article 22. Available on Web. 

“Re-Envisioning Classics As a Liberal Art,” Electronic Antiquity 14:2 (May 2011) 1–20. 

“The Curriculum Carries the Mission: The Ratio Studiorum, the Making of Jesuit Education, and the Making of the Society of Jesus,” New Jesuit Review, 2:5 (2010). 

“Classical Humanism has EVERYTHING to do with Justice,” Electronic Antiquity, XIII, No. 1 (November 2009): 1–25. 

“The Classical Ratio and Jesuit Education,” in Jesuit Education and The Classics. Eds. Edmund P. Cueva, Shannon N. Byrne and Frederick Benda, S.J. (Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2009), 55–64. 

“A Masterful Plan,” Company Magazine, 23, no. 1 (2005 fall): 22–23. Invited article. 

“The Great Ratio: Does this 400-year-old Plan for Jesuit Education Have Lessons for Us Today?” Jesuit Bulletin (of the Missouri Province of the Society of Jesus) LXXVIII, no. 1 (Winter 1999): 12–15. [For the original submission, see https:// organizations/ rqc/ ratio400.html.]  

“Upgrading Latin Pedagogy,” Electronic Antiquity 4, no. 2 (April 1998). 

“Jesuit Spirituality and Catholic Higher Education,” Review for Religious 52, no. 6 (1993): 875–85. 

“Restoring Cultural History: Beyond Gombrich,” Clio 20, no. 2 (1991): 157–67. [Available on the Web.] 

“The Grain is Ripe: Parabolic Meaning in Mark 4:26–29,” Biblical Theology Bulletin 17, no. 1 (1987): 21–23. 

“Walter Burkert and the Meaning of Myth,” Journal of Religious Studies (Cleveland State University) 9, no. 1 (Spring 1981): 10–18. [Available on the Web.] 


Posted at 

Clarifying the Idea of Jesuit Education: A Response to John O’Malley (September 9, 2021) 

Proposal for a New Jesuit College Core (July 15, 2021) 

Three translations of Horatian odes (Horace at rest in Ode 1.38; Horace warms up in Ode 1.9, the Soracte ode; Horace sympathizes with a fool in love in Ode 1.5) (May 2021) 

Some Preliminary Reactions to Ellacuría’a Idea of a New Kind of University (April 19, 2021) 

The Two Meanings of Social Justice and the Need for Educational Justice  (December 27, 2020) 

Common Culture, Common Good: A Rationale for Liberal Arts Education in America (December 26, 2020) 

Timeline for the Life and Works of Pedro de Ribadeneyra (December 14, 2020) 

The Vulgate Fundamentum (June 10, 2020) 

Formation for Social Justice (September 24, 2019; revised January 27, 2021) 

Nadal on Studies in the Society of Jesus (February 7, 2019) 

Abolishing High School and Rethinking Catholic Collegiate Education (January 28, 2019) 

A Brief Response to Stanley Fish on the Useless Humanities (July 2018) 

Jesus, Gospel, Paul, Gospels: The Logic of the Rise of the Written Gospel (Second edition, September 7, 2018) 

The Land o’ Lakes Derailment—And a Way to Get Back Homeward in Catholic Higher Education (August 9, 2017) 

A Declaration of Catholic Educational Character and Mission (August 9, 2017, included in the above essay, “The Land o’ Lakes Derailment”) 

Getting Back to Jesus: The Gospel as Sacrament (August 10, 2017) 

Something Greater Than a Biography Is Here: The Mystery of the Gospel (March 30, 2017) 

The Gospel of Jesus Is the Gospel of Paul (March 4, 2017) 

Jesus Is the First Gospeler—and What That Says About Gospel Genre (February 28, 2017) 

In the School of Ignatius: Studies, Spirituality, and Service in the Society of Jesus (fuller version of “Ignatius at School” [2013], published 2016) 

Towards a Universal Digital Register of Latin Writings: The Repertorium Omnium Litterarum Latinarum (2015) 

A Radical Argument Against Scientism (2015) 

A Vision of Philosophy for College Education (1995, revised and published, 2015) 

Toward a Revised Ratio Studiorum for Jesuit Colleges (2015) 

Hamlet’s Soliloquy (III.i: “To Be or Not to Be”) in Latin Prose (2014) 

Cultural History, the Human Condition, and Foundations for the Liberal Arts (written 1988, published 2014) 

Jesuit Education in a Hundred Words (2013) 

Preface to Denison’s Latin Translation of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar (2013) 

The Origins of the Written Gospel in the Activity of Jesus of Nazareth (2013) 

The Hippocratic Oath in Three Latin Versions (2013) 

The Hippocratic Oath in Latin with English translation (by Claude Pavur) (2013) 

Defining Jesuit Education (2012) 


Published at Heithaus Haven ( 

The De Smet Statuary at SLU: An Alternative Approach (June 8, 2015) 

Semper Ref!: On Alasdair MacIntyre’s “The End of Education: The Fragmentation of the American University” (March 4, 2013). 

Practical Proposals for Transforming Jesuit Higher Education at Saint Louis University (August 26, 2013). 


Review of Pedro de Ribadeneyra’s “Treatise on the Governance of St Ignatius of Loyola.” Translated and introduced by Joseph A. Munitiz, S.J. Afterword by Mark Rotsaert, S.J. Oxford: Way Books, 2016. Journal of Jesuit Studies 4.4 (2017): 695–97. 

Review of Medieval Reading: Grammar, Rhetoric, and the Classical Text by Suzanne Reynolds. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, 27. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. Manuscripta, Volume 42, Number 2 (July 1998 [appeared September 2001]): 124–26. 

Review of Unmodern Meditations by Friedrich Nietzsche, edited by William Arrowsmith. Literature and Theology.6, No. 4 (1992): 396–97. 

Review of Schopenhauer and the Wild Years of Philosophy by Rüdiger Safranski, Southern Humanities Review 25, No. 3 (1991): 278–79. 

Review of The Melody of Theology: A Philosophical Dictionary by Jaroslav Pelikan, Southern Humanities Review 25, No. 3 (1991): 276–77. 

Review of Nietzsche: Life as Literature by Alexander Nehamas, Literature and Theology 4, no. 1 (1990): 139–41. 

 Compiled, October 22, 2021