Mark Mossa


Father Mark Mossa, SJ, is a professor of Religious Studies and the interim director of Catholic Studies at Loyola University New Orleans. Prior to beginning his position in 2022, he served as director of campus ministry at St. Mary Student Parish at the University of Michigan and at Spring Hill College. While at St. Mary, he also taught part-time at the University of Detroit Mercy.

Following his ordination in 2008, he spent several years at Fordham University, where he taught courses in American Catholicism.

He is known for his multidisciplinary approach to ministry and teaching, integrating topics from his studies in literature, philosophy, history and theology and drawing creative connections with contemporary issues and popular culture.

He is a native of Worcester, Massachusetts, and in 2022 celebrated 25 years as a Jesuit.

Publication list: 

 Already There: Letting God Find You

Already There can help you find the ways God is already in your life. We need only take some time to reflect on our experience–and that is what Mark Mossa helps us to do–and we’ll see that God has already been trying to communicate with us in unexpected and surprising ways.

Just War, Lasting Peace: What Christian Traditions Can Teach Us

Just War, Lasting Peace seeks to address some of the most critical questions demanding theological reflection today: ‘How do believers look at war? How do we react to it and deal with it?’ Distinguishing three parallel developments related to a theology of just war – the non-violent or pacifist tradition, the classical just war and the contemporary just war tradition – the book commences with a brief historical overview before concentrating on the merits, disadvantages and relevance of each position in a post September 11th paradigm. Although an effort to incorporate Protestant, Jewish and Islamic thought on just war is sought, the strength of the book lies in its ability to delineate historic and contemporary Catholic contributions to a robust understanding of potential Christian responses to war.

Saint Ignatius Loyola: The Spiritual Writings

This fascinating introduction to Ignatian spirituality draws from contemporary translations of original texts focusing on the practical mysticism of Ignatius of Loyola. Excerpts from The Spiritual Exercises, his autobiography, and his collected letters and instructions provide direct insights from Ignatius about the role of humility, obedience, discernment, sin and self-awareness in spiritual life. Substantive facing-page commentary illuminates Ignatius’s perspectives on many key aspects of Christian spirituality, including trusting in God, imitating Jesus and the saints, love and the common good, and much more.