O gracious and generous God, I thank you for the many blessings you have given me:
For the gift of life: I thank you, Lord.
For your steadfast love: I thank you, Lord.
For this astonishing, complex planet and all you have created: I thank you, Lord.
For faith and the example of your saints: I thank you, Lord.
For the Church and our family in faith: I thank you Lord.
For our families and friends: I thank you, Lord.
For health and for those who care for the sick: I thank you, Lord.
For food, warmth and shelter: I thank you, Lord.
For our nation, for freedom, security and peace: I thank you, Lord.
Lord, let me always be aware of your great kindness. In gratitude for your gifts, may I:
… respect all life
… care for creation
… tend the sick, the hungry, the homeless and the migrant
… work to create a just nation
… love my neighbor as you have loved me.
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Prayer by Therese Fink Meyerhoff, provincial assistant for communications. Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash