Fr. Sosa Invites Us to Deeper Collaboration in Vocation Promotion

April 12, 2021

April 12, 2021 — “We must rekindle a broad and deep culture of vocation promotion,” writes Fr. Arturo Sosa, SJ, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, “one that encourages all of us to labor together to attract the new companions needed for the future to which God draws us.”

Vocation Promotion Is for All

In an April 12th letter addressed to Jesuits the world over, Fr. Sosa reminds us that the promotion of the Jesuit vocation “is part of our way of proceeding, an essential characteristic of our Jesuit culture and identity.”

He reiterated his invitation to Jesuits and Jesuit collaborators alike to participate in the promotion of vocations to the Society of Jesus. “Vocation promotion must be a substantive part of the life-mission of each member of our apostolic body, not only Jesuits, but all those with whom we collaborate on mission.

“At the heart of this effort is the graced art of accompaniment that helps men listen and discern where God is leading them. It is the Lord who calls men, but we must actively accompany these calls which young men often need help understanding and discerning.”

To mark a renewed commitment to the global work of vocation promotion and in preparation for the upcoming Ignatian Year, the Jesuit Curia in Rome launched a new vocations website and social media campaign.



Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States Answers the Call

Throughout the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States (JCCU), the work of accompanying men in discerning a vocation with the Society of Jesus continues. Last year, the JCCU relaunched its vocation promotion site,

The site, available in English, Spanish and French, was designed in collaboration with vocation promoters across the JCCU who spent several months reflecting on what makes a Jesuit vocation unique.

They began their reflections with a simple truth: Christ calls us to serve a world in need. We’re invited, then, to help others imagine what we can do together.

These pillars form the backbone of the digital outreach and storytelling strategy, and, inspired by these pillars, vocation promotion teams across the JCCU collaborate with the Spirit in asking the Lord to send more laborers into God’s great harvest.

The Jesuit Brother

In his letter, Fr. Sosa stressed the importance of the Jesuit Brother — and invited all us to work for its promotion.

“Brothers embody the Jesuit call to the vowed life in an especially clear way, and they model for us ways of participating in mission that are distinct from and complementary to those of clerics. Their example of religious life is vital in today’s Church as we seek to embrace more fully the synodality needed to follow the path of the Lord together.”

Listen to stories and learn about some of the work Jesuit Brothers are doing across the JCCU:

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