Praying through Lent with the Universal Apostolic Preferences

February 14, 2022

February, 2022 – This Lent, the Jesuits of the USA Central and Southern Province invite you to deepen your prayer through the lens of the Society of Jesus’ four Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAPs). Four Jesuits in formation in this province have each written a brief reflection on one of the four UAPs, providing both information and inspiration, while offering some possible prayer prompts for your Lent. The title of their article acts as a link to it.

Each of these authors expands on his reflection in a brief video, which are also available on the province’s YouTube channel. We invite you to share a comment there.

White House Retreat

Showing the Way to God

By David Kiblinger, SJ

Walking with the Marginalized

By Daniel Finucane, SJ

Students gathered in the chapel at Jesuit High School New Orleans.

Accompanying Young People

By William Manaker, SJ

The red mangroves common in coastal regions of Puerto Rico

Caring for our Common Home

By Jorge Roque, SJ


Illustrations by Philip Nahlik, SJ.


These articles have accompanying videos on the province’s YouTube Channel. View the playlist.

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