Ignatian Volunteer Corps: Write Your Best Chapter Yet

What comes next after retirement? At the Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC), older adults discover that retirement is just the beginning of an exciting new chapter—a chance to live with purpose, vitality and joy while making a real difference in the world. For over 30 years, IVC has empowered individuals to use their gifts and talents […]

Growing in Holiness in Italy Pilgrimage

By Rosalie Tomeny From my first glimpse of Italy when flying into Florence and seeing the lush and verdant Italian countryside, I knew our trip – the Growing in Holiness in Italy Pilgrimage – was going to be special. As soon as our group had gathered, we were off. Andiamo – “Let’s go!” – became […]

Fifth Sunday of Lent: Are we comfortable engaging with our mortality?

By Gretchen Crowder I have to admit, I have spent most of my life uncomfortable with the topic of death. In particular, I have spent most of my life uncomfortable with discussing my own mortality. I don’t know why. After all, I have from a very young age believed in heaven and life after death. […]

Fourth Sunday of Lent: Are we truly open to God’s offer of friendship?

By Gretchen Crowder I have always labeled God’s love for me as agape, but the more time I spend immersed in Ignatian Spirituality, the more I am open to considering that the best representation of God’s love for me might just be philia instead. If you are not familiar with the four Greek words for […]

Third Sunday of Lent: Can we get emotional with God?

By Gretchen Crowder One question has been weighing on my mind this week as I reflected on the Gospel for the 3rd Sunday of Lent: Am I comfortable with an emotional Jesus? We know Jesus experienced emotions, a wide variety of them, in fact. After all, Jesus was human, and we humans, whether we like […]

Second Sunday of Lent: Can we see ourselves as God sees us?

By Gretchen Crowder I want my mountaintop experience, don’t you? I want Jesus in all his tangible humanity and intangible divinity to come right up to me, grab my hand in his, and walk me up a mountain. Then, I want to see his clothes become dazzling white with my human eyes and hear “This […]

Discovering the Gifts of Service through the Ignatian Volunteer Corps

By Rachel Amiri When she retired early from a successful career at Deloitte in 2021, Christi Franko-Torack didn’t know exactly what her future would hold. But she did know that her next chapter would focus on living out her mother’s lifelong motto: “Faith, family, friends and fun—in that order.” As a service member with the […]

Province Supporters Pledge $1.5M for Formation

By Fr. J. P. Hough, SJ Raymond Hyer and Hector and Claire Vila want to challenge friends of the Jesuits to support formation financially. The three Tampans recognize the impact Jesuits have on the communities in which they serve. And they know a big part of that is because of the formation process Jesuits undergo. […]

Fr. Harry Tompson, SJ: A Legacy of Compassion

By Mary Baudouin “Son, if you want to know what to do with your life, just go do the thing that helps the most amount of people in the shortest amount of time, and that’s where you’re supposed to be.” This was the advice Fr. Harry Tompson, SJ, gave to a young Mitch Landrieu, when […]

Preserving the Story of Fr. Anderson E. Bakewell and the Society of Jesus

By Ignatius Plato Megan Gilmore is passionate about history and the role archives can play in preserving it. With an academic background in both journalism and history, she finds rediscovering lost bits of the past an invaluable tool for storytelling. Gilmore recently completed an internship with the Jesuit Archives and Research Center (JARC), where her […]

Giving Thanks for Friends: Province Receives Largest Gift in Its History

July 28, 2023 – The Jesuits USA Central and Southern Province has received a $1.5 million gift commitment from Raymond Hyer and Hector and Claire Vila, all of Tampa, Florida. The donation is the largest non-bequest gift in the history of the province. Mr. Hyer and the Vilas have designated these funds for Jesuit formation, […]