Jesuit Prison Education Network Seeks “Co-Laborers in Mercy”

By Tim Linn How Vermonn Roberts came to Chillicothe Correctional Center is a matter of public record; the details and proceedings can be easily found in court records and newspaper articles. It’s something she lives with each day as an inmate. And it comes with feelings of deep regret, loneliness and hopelessness that haunted her […]

Jesuits Magazine – Summer 2023

The Summer 2023 issue of Jesuits Magazine focuses on accompaniment, in particular the call to accompaniment that comes with the priesthood. We celebrate the ordinations of four Jesuits who will accompany God’s people in their ministries as priests. We also feature stories on the teaching ministry of the Jesuit Prison Education Network and the migrant […]

Christine Dragonette Promotes Love in Action at St. Francis Xavier College Church

By Ignatius Plato Social justice is central to the Society of Jesus’ way of proceeding. Christine Dragonette, the director of social ministry at St. Francis Xavier College Church in St. Louis, shares fully in this mission, basing all she does in love of her neighbors. Dragonette has served in social ministry at the parish for […]

Province Offers Colleagues of Color Retreat for Educators in Jesuit Schools

By Ignatius Plato Educators who are also people of color are often called upon to do extra work precisely because they are people of color. It is an expectation that is both challenging and stress inducing. “So often, our high school teachers of color are asked to ‘be on this diversity committee’ and ‘be on […]

Jesuits Magazine – Winter 2023

The Winter 2023 issue of Jesuits magazine features members of the province in atypical ministries, including Fr. David Romero, SJ, who promotes the protection of the Amazon; Fr. Jonathan Harmon, SJ, who is training for a ministry in the Arts, and Fathers Thomas Croteau, SJ, and David Kiblinger, SJ, who are serving the underserved Church […]

Ignatian Volunteers Help Senior Jesuits Prepare to Move

By Ignatius Plato Several members of the St. Louis chapter of the Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC) have been hard at work assisting senior Jesuits prepare for their upcoming move from Jesuit Hall in midtown St. Louis to the new St. Ignatius Hall in north St. Louis County. Jesuits have called Jesuit Hall home for 50 […]

Humbled and Ready: How my Formation Experience Prepared Me for Priestly Ministry

By Fr. Jonathon Polce, SJ “Eleven years?! Why does it take so long?” This question I have been asked, and even wondered myself, in my 11-year journey to Jesuit priesthood which culminated this past summer when I was ordained along with three other Jesuits from my novitiate class. Yes, 11 years of training, which is the normal amount […]

Jesuits Magazine, Fall 2022

The fall issue of Jesuits magazine is an expression gratitude: to our volunteers and donors, to our Jesuit brothers who bear witness to the Ignatian Presupposition and for our vocations themselves.

Annual Report, 2021-22

We give thanks to you, our friends and benefactors, for your ongoing support. Read our Annual Report and Donor Honor Roll for 2021-21. 

Making All Things New: The Graces of the Ignatian Year

Jesuit Superior General Arturo Sosa established the Ignatian Year as a special time to commemorate the conversion of St. Ignatius Loyola and all the graces that have flowed from that event. The “year” began on May 20, 2021, the 500th anniversary of Ignatius’ wounding at Pamplona. It will end on July 31, 2022, the Feast […]