John Nugent, SJ
Father Nugent says he takes the word “formation” seriously, citing God as the primary formator, with the Holy Spirit working through the people Jesuits encounter. “Then we can recognize, ‘Okay, here’s where I’m being invited now. Let me dedicate myself to God’s kingdom in this way and see where it leads,’” he said.
Called to Labor with God: A Jesuit’s Journey of Formation
Formation is a spiritual journey that prepares a Jesuit to serve the Church of the future..
Growth in Formation: One Jesuit’s Summer
This Giving Tuesday, all gifts to the Jesuits USA Central and Southern Province will benefit Jesuits in formation like Joe Laughlin, who shares his story below. If you want to help ensure we can continue to provide these formative experiences, please visit By Joseph Laughlin, SJ, Jesuit Scholastic I want to share with you […]
Eight Men Enter the Novitiate
Sept. 2, 2024 – On August 17, 2024, eight men entered the Society of Jesus at the newly opened Novitiate of St. Stanislaus Kostka in Denver. Over the next two years, they will learn about the Society of Jesus and deepen their relationship with Jesus. A mix of prayer, apostolic service, community life and studies […]
Will Hayes, nSJ, to Pronounce First Vows
Will Hayes, nSJ, pronounced first vows in the Society of Jesus on August 10, 2024.
Meet our Two Ordinands
May 21, 2023 – Two members of the Jesuits USA Central and Southern (UCS) Province will be ordained priests on Saturday, June 8, 2024. You can watch live at 10:00 a.m. CDT at A worship aid is available here. Daniel J. Everson, SJ, and J. Michael Mohr, SJ, entered the Society of Jesus in […]
A New Worship Experience
Marco Machado, SJ | Chiapas, Mexico During my first days in Chiapas, Mexico, I visited a small Maya village. They welcomed us with open arms and very good food. But then I got a bad case of Montezuma’s revenge and was unable to hold any food for the next three days. As soon as I […]
Province Supporters Pledge $1.5M for Formation
By Fr. J. P. Hough, SJ Raymond Hyer and Hector and Claire Vila want to challenge friends of the Jesuits to support formation financially. The three Tampans recognize the impact Jesuits have on the communities in which they serve. And they know a big part of that is because of the formation process Jesuits undergo. […]
Finding Moments of Grace
By José Lopez | Dajabon, Dominican Republic Thanks to Novice Director Fr. Drew Kirschman, who was always creative about my discernment process, I was able to explore the experience of being a Jesuit in a Latin American context. My incredible long experiment in Dajabon, Dominican Republic, was one of the most formative experiences of my […]
A Language for What Matters Most
By Joseph Laughlin, SJ | Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic “Joe, we’re missioning you to Santo Domingo.” These were the words of Fr. Drew Kirschman, SJ, my novice director, as he informed me that I would spend my long experiment at Colegio Loyola, a pre-K through 12th grade school in the Dominican Republic. My imagination started […]
Lord, Teach Me How to Play
By Scott McKillip, SJ | Pine Ridge Reservation Late one night, my novice brother and I piled into the Toyota. We began our drive on the only road crossing through the vast miles of rolling hills on this side of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. We were in the kind of darkness one knows only […]
Philip Nahlik, SJ, combina ciencia, espiritualidad y asombro en su cuidado de la creación
Por Therese Fink Meyerhoff El escolástico jesuita Philip Nahlik, SJ, encontró una alegría especial este verano al ayudar a planificar la Cumbre Ignaciana de Eco-Educadores en la Granja Bellwether, a las afueras de Cleveland. Ideada por Brenna Davis, directora de ecología integral de la Red Ignaciana de Solidaridad, la cumbre fue una oportunidad para que […]