Reflections on Lay Collaboration with Jesuits

By Mark McNeil The Preamble to the Constitutions of the Jesuit Secondary Education Association (1970) offered a response to some troubling and pressing questions regarding Jesuit education. Chief among these was, “Does it really make sense to call a school ‘Jesuit,’ when many or most of those teaching and working in Jesuit schools are not […]

The First Sunday of Lent: Are we really free?

By Gretchen Crowder A couple weeks ago, I was introducing my senior students to Henri Nouwen by showing them a video of one of his sermons. I warned them before we began: “Just so you know, in the 90s, we really liked ferns. I think it’s what we called “creating an atmosphere” back then.” When […]

Leaning into Our Belovedness: A Reflection for Lent

By Gretchen Crowder I really feel for kids everywhere this year. I remember what a big deal Valentine’s Day was when I was a child — it always meant coming home with a big pile of candy and an even bigger smile on my face. I also remember what Lent felt like as a kid, […]

The Grace of God has Appeared

A child is born for us. Yet what do those words – for us – really mean? They mean that the Son of God, the one who is holy by nature, came to make us, as God’s children, holy by grace. Yes, God came into the world as a child to make us children of […]

Litany of Thanksgiving

O gracious and generous God, I thank you for the many blessings you have given me: For the gift of life: I thank you, Lord. For your steadfast love: I thank you, Lord. For this astonishing, complex planet and all you have created: I thank you, Lord. For faith and the example of your saints: […]

Jesuits Magazine – Summer 2023

The Summer 2023 issue of Jesuits Magazine focuses on accompaniment, in particular the call to accompaniment that comes with the priesthood. We celebrate the ordinations of four Jesuits who will accompany God’s people in their ministries as priests. We also feature stories on the teaching ministry of the Jesuit Prison Education Network and the migrant […]

Graduation Prayer

Good and gracious God, This is the day, Lord! Let us rejoice and be glad in it! Today is the culmination of years of work, years filled with challenges and triumphs, losses and laughter, friendships and growth. We thank you, Lord, for getting us safely to this day. We thank you for the gift of […]

Saint Louis University Alive with Easter Joy

Bells rang joyfully across the campus of Saint Louis University (SLU) on Easter Monday, April 10, as SLU’s Catholic Studies Center hosted a Eucharistic Procession. The evening began with Mass, attended by more than 200 people. Catholic Studies Director Fr. Matthew Baugh, SJ, presided, with priests and seminarians from the Jesuits, the Dominicans and Kenrick-Glennon […]

Saint Louis University Alive with Easter Joy

Bells rang joyfully across the campus of Saint Louis University (SLU) on Easter Monday, April 10, as SLU’s Catholic Studies Center hosted a Eucharistic Procession. The evening began with Mass, attended by more than 200 people. Catholic Studies Director Fr. Matthew Baugh, SJ, presided, with priests and seminarians from the Jesuits, the Dominicans and Kenrick-Glennon […]