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Prayer for Generosity

Lord Jesus, teach me to be generous; teach me to serve you as you deserve, to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to seek reward, except that of knowing that I do your will. […]

Graduation Prayer

Good and gracious God, This is the day, Lord! Let us rejoice and be glad in it! Today is the culmination of years of work, years filled with challenges and triumphs, losses and laughter, friendships and growth. We thank you, Lord, for getting us safely to this day. We thank you for the gift of […]

Saint Louis University Alive with Easter Joy

Bells rang joyfully across the campus of Saint Louis University (SLU) on Easter Monday, April 10, as SLU’s Catholic Studies Center hosted a Eucharistic Procession. The evening began with Mass, attended by more than 200 people. Catholic Studies Director Fr. Matthew Baugh, SJ, presided, with priests and seminarians from the Jesuits, the Dominicans and Kenrick-Glennon […]

Saint Louis University Alive with Easter Joy

Bells rang joyfully across the campus of Saint Louis University (SLU) on Easter Monday, April 10, as SLU’s Catholic Studies Center hosted a Eucharistic Procession. The evening began with Mass, attended by more than 200 people. Catholic Studies Director Fr. Matthew Baugh, SJ, presided, with priests and seminarians from the Jesuits, the Dominicans and Kenrick-Glennon […]

Yet Another Journey into Yes

Moving from Jesuit Hall to St. Ignatius Hall By Fr. Michael Harter, SJ In January 2023, 66 Jesuits made the move from Jesuit Hall, near the campus of Saint Louis University, to the new St. Ignatius Hall at Garden Villas North in St. Louis County. Father Michael Harter, SJ, shares this reflection on what the […]

Living Synodality in Belize

By William Manaker, SJ I arrived in Belize for a month-long immersion experience in the Mayan villages of the Toledo District with only minimal background information. I would be working with several brother Jesuits to facilitate retreats for village catechists. We’d be collaborating with a committee of indigenous Mayan leaders. Mayans in Belize speak two […]

Prayer During Hurricane Season

O almighty and eternal God, who sees us surrounded by so many dangers and challenges, grant in your infinite goodness your protection over us during this hurricane season. Give continued healing to those still suffering from past storms, wisdom to those who lead our communities, and a spirit of generosity toward neighbor where sacrifice is […]

A Christmas Homily

By Fr. Joseph Tetlow, SJ We imagine God looking down on a miserable earth needing redemption. That’s in the Spiritual Exercises. At Christmas, we do better to imagine God looking down as in the Contemplatio ad Amor. God looks at His creation and saw it was good — God liked what He saw — especially […]

Litany of Thanksgiving

O gracious and generous God, I thank you for the many blessings you have given me: For the gift of life: I thank you, Lord. For your steadfast love: I thank you, Lord. For this astonishing, complex planet and all you have created: I thank you, Lord. For faith and the example of your saints: […]

Prayer for a New School Year

Dear Lord, as we begin this new school year, we gather as a community of believers, a family of your children. We thank you for the renewal of the past months and our safe return to this place. We thank you for the promise of the days ahead and for the blessing of your accompaniment. […]

Accompaniment through Listening

Despite having to shift many of its programs online due to the pandemic, the Ignatian Spirituality Institute started a Network of Listeners to be there for anyone who needs to be heard during this difficult time.

Prayer in a Time of Coronavirus

Lord, I am one of the people with chronic illness. I was hospitalized three times in four months with life-threatening conditions. I am at risk.