Vocation Promotion Team, Novitiate Respond to Pandemic in Creative Ways

By Jerry Duggan For a man discerning his vocation, in-person interactions with vocation ministers, men in formation and other discerners are fundamental to the process. When COVID-19 rendered these meetings impossible, the vocation promotion team got creative in their outreach. They devised several new strategies to connect with discerners. For starters, Fr. Eddie Gros, SJ, […]

Jesuit’s Skills a Godsend during Pandemic

By Jerry Duggan God has a way of putting the right people in the right place at the right time. A great example is Fr. Jeremy Zipple, SJ, associate pastor at St. Martin de Porres in Belize City, Belize. When the pandemic hit in March, the parish, long an anchor in its economically impoverished neighborhood, […]

Jesuits Magazine: Fall 2020

As the pandemic raged on through the summer, the Jesuits USA Central and Southern Province continued its mission as normally as possible. Highlights included a socially-distanced ordination Mass, continued efforts to provide spirituality at a distance, the celebration of 40 years of Jesuit Refugee Service, and several golden jubilees for UCS Jesuits. Read about all […]

Learning from the Pandemic

July 30, 2020 By Fr. Jack Zupez St. Paul explains human history as passing from the alienation spoken of in the first nine chapters of Genesis to gradual reconciliation of all peoples, as children of one God. Christ came in the middle of time to give this movement of history a dynamic impetus forward. From […]

Jesuits Magazine: Summer 2020

Despite a pandemic that put ordinations in the province on hold, closed its educational institutions to in-person instruction and cancelled many retreats, the Jesuits USA Central and Southern Province continued to find ways to be of service to others during this pandemic, putting into practice the Jesuit ideal of cura personalis: caring for the whole person. […]

Accompaniment through Listening

Despite having to shift many of its programs online due to the pandemic, the Ignatian Spirituality Institute started a Network of Listeners to be there for anyone who needs to be heard during this difficult time.