Ignatian Volunteer Corps: Write Your Best Chapter Yet

What comes next after retirement? At the Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC), older adults discover that retirement is just the beginning of an exciting new chapter—a chance to live with purpose, vitality and joy while making a real difference in the world. For over 30 years, IVC has empowered individuals to use their gifts and talents […]

Grand Coteau Retreats: New Name, Bigger Home for an Ongoing Mission

Aug. 15, 2024 – The Jesuit retreat and spirituality centers in Grand Coteau, Louisiana, have come together to create a new, high-capacity retreat facility named Grand Coteau Retreats: A Jesuit Mission Since 1837. The new retreat center will make use of the buildings housing both Our Lady of the Oaks Retreat House and St. Charles […]

Ignatian Spirituality Program at Regis

The Ignatian Spirituality Program at Regis University offers Ignatian retreats and spiritual direction and training for guides in the Spiritual Exercises.

Instituto de Formación Ignaciana Shares the Spiritual Exercises in Puerto Rico

By Rachel Amiri The Instituto de Formación Ignaciana de Puerto Rico (IFI) is a lay Catholic organization that exemplifies the Society of Jesus’ Universal Apostolic Preference to show the way to God through the Spiritual Exercises and discernment. Established in San Juan, Puerto Rico, to offer Spanish-language resources in Ignatian spirituality and to prepare lay […]

The Ignatian Spirituality Project

The Ignatian Spirituality Project (ISP) offers spiritual care and companionship programs for men and women in recovery from homelessness and addiction.

Palm Sunday: Can we make a return of love?

By Gretchen Crowder Twenty years later, I can still hear the crack as his knees struck the gym floor. In a high school gym in the spring of 2004, I was lying covertly behind some makeshift dividers with one hand lying close to the play button and the other hand clutching the volume dial of […]

Fifth Sunday of Lent: Are we comfortable engaging with our mortality?

By Gretchen Crowder I have to admit, I have spent most of my life uncomfortable with the topic of death. In particular, I have spent most of my life uncomfortable with discussing my own mortality. I don’t know why. After all, I have from a very young age believed in heaven and life after death. […]