Province Supporters Pledge $1.5M for Formation

By Fr. J. P. Hough, SJ Raymond Hyer and Hector and Claire Vila want to challenge friends of the Jesuits to support formation financially. The three Tampans recognize the impact Jesuits have on the communities in which they serve. And they know a big part of that is because of the formation process Jesuits undergo. […]

Jesuits Magazine, Fall 2023

The fall issue of Jesuits magazine celebrates the province’s past – including 200 years of Jesuits in St. Louis – and takes a look at some of the new ways Jesuits continue to find new ways to meet the needs of our world. Read it here.

Jesuits Magazine, Fall 2022

The fall issue of Jesuits magazine is an expression gratitude: to our volunteers and donors, to our Jesuit brothers who bear witness to the Ignatian Presupposition and for our vocations themselves.

Jesuits Magazine: Summer 2022

In the last few months, the UCS Province has celebrated the ordination of four new priests and held a province congregation. Progress is also being made on two new Jesuit communities in St. Louis and the Ignatian Year is coming to a close. Read about all this and more by clicking on the link to […]

Healing the Scars of Violence: My Prison Ministry in Belize

By Ian Peoples, SJ  In my ministry as chaplain at Wagner’s Youth Facility (WYF), a part of Belize Central Prison, I often speak one-on-one with the young men. Shortly after I began my work in November of last year, I had a conversation that I still think about often.  One of the young men, whom I’ll refer to as Paul, had recently arrived at WYF and was having a rough transition. […]