Jesuits Magazine – Summer 2023

The Summer 2023 issue of Jesuits Magazine focuses on accompaniment, in particular the call to accompaniment that comes with the priesthood. We celebrate the ordinations of four Jesuits who will accompany God’s people in their ministries as priests. We also feature stories on the teaching ministry of the Jesuit Prison Education Network and the migrant […]

Four New Shepherds for the Church

New Orleans – Sometimes we hear by turning a listening ear, but some people speak directly to our hearts. According to the Most Reverend Gregory M. Aymond, Archbishop of New Orleans, God spoke directly to the hearts of Jesuits José R. Dueño Gorbea, William A. McCormick, W. Tucker Redding and Aric M. Serrano. They heard […]

Jesuits Magazine: Summer 2021

In this issue of the province magazine, read about the ordination to the priesthood of five Jesuits, the start of the Ignatian Year and the province’s launch of the Office of Ignatian Spirituality (OIS), among other stories. Jesuits Summer 2021      

Called by Name: Five Jesuits of the Province Ordained Priests

June 12, 2021 – During the Rite of Ordination, there is a simple and profoundly beautiful moment when each ordinand is called by name and presented to the ordaining prelate. Once assured of the men’s worthiness, the bishop says, “Relying on the help of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, we choose these, […]

Jesuits Magazine: Fall 2020

As the pandemic raged on through the summer, the Jesuits USA Central and Southern Province continued its mission as normally as possible. Highlights included a socially-distanced ordination Mass, continued efforts to provide spirituality at a distance, the celebration of 40 years of Jesuit Refugee Service, and several golden jubilees for UCS Jesuits. Read about all […]

Jesuits Magazine: Summer 2020

Despite a pandemic that put ordinations in the province on hold, closed its educational institutions to in-person instruction and cancelled many retreats, the Jesuits USA Central and Southern Province continued to find ways to be of service to others during this pandemic, putting into practice the Jesuit ideal of cura personalis: caring for the whole person. […]

Jesuits Magazine: Summer 2019

In addition to spotlighting the good work of province apostolates, the Summer 2019 issue of Jesuits Magazine highlights the path to priesthood. See the full magazine by clicking on the link to the PDF below. Jesuits Magazine Summer 2019