Prayer During Hurricane Season

O almighty and eternal God, who sees us surrounded by so many dangers and challenges, grant in your infinite goodness your protection over us during this hurricane season. Give continued healing to those still suffering from past storms, wisdom to those who lead our communities, and a spirit of generosity toward neighbor where sacrifice is […]

A Prayer for Peace

How do we pray for peace from half a world away? How can words salve and soothe real wounds, assuage real fears, wipe tears from real eyes?

Jesuits Magazine: Winter 2022

In this issue, read about how to pray through Lent with the Universal Apostolic Preferences, our ministry on the border and more. Jesuits Winter 2022      

Jesuits Magazine: Fall 2021

In this issue, read about efforts to fine tune the Jesuit formation process, our golden jubilarians, authors from around our province and more. Jesuits Fall 2021      

Prayer for a New School Year

Dear Lord, as we begin this new school year, we gather as a community of believers, a family of your children. We thank you for the renewal of the past months and our safe return to this place. We thank you for the promise of the days ahead and for the blessing of your accompaniment. […]

Jesuits Magazine: Summer 2021

In this issue of the province magazine, read about the ordination to the priesthood of five Jesuits, the start of the Ignatian Year and the province’s launch of the Office of Ignatian Spirituality (OIS), among other stories. Jesuits Summer 2021      

Women of the Exercises: Spiritual Ministers Find Joy in Sharing Ignatian Spirituality

Paula Sapienza

By Therese Fink Meyerhoff Paula Sapienza didn’t know that spiritual directors existed until she was in her 20s. “The first time I heard about spiritual directors, the thought popped into my head that it would be the greatest job ever,” she says. Of course, people don’t become spiritual directors when they’re in their 20s, and […]

Jesuits Magazine: Winter 2021

We invite you to celebrate the women of the Jesuits USA Central and Southern Province with the first-ever Women’s Issue. Jesuits Winter 2021

Accompaniment through Listening

Despite having to shift many of its programs online due to the pandemic, the Ignatian Spirituality Institute started a Network of Listeners to be there for anyone who needs to be heard during this difficult time.

Prayer in a Time of Coronavirus

Lord, I am one of the people with chronic illness. I was hospitalized three times in four months with life-threatening conditions. I am at risk.