Philip Nahlik, SJ, combina ciencia, espiritualidad y asombro en su cuidado de la creación

Por Therese Fink Meyerhoff El escolástico jesuita Philip Nahlik, SJ, encontró una alegría especial este verano al ayudar a planificar la Cumbre Ignaciana de Eco-Educadores en la Granja Bellwether, a las afueras de Cleveland. Ideada por Brenna Davis, directora de ecología integral de la Red Ignaciana de Solidaridad, la cumbre fue una oportunidad para que […]

Accompanying Young People

By William Manaker, SJ Each day at De Smet Jesuit High School in St. Louis the whole school pauses for five minutes before the last class period to make a brief Examen. One day recently, as I sat with a class of freshmen, I began to look around the room at the young men seated […]

Accompanying Young People

By William Manaker, SJ Each day at De Smet Jesuit High School in St. Louis the whole school pauses for five minutes before the last class period to make a brief Examen. One day recently, as I sat with a class of freshmen, I began to look around the room at the young men seated […]

Walking with the Marginalized

By Daniel Finucane, SJ The Anima Christi is a nearly 700-year-old prayer that St. Ignatius includes in the Spiritual Exercises. It is a prayer about asking for union with Christ through his body, his blood, the water from his side. It is a prayer that I have grown to love as a Jesuit. There is […]

Showing the Way to God

By David Kiblinger, SJ Feb. 2022 – The Ignatian family has been given a mission to show the way to God. But how is one supposed to “show the way”? There are several methods for indicating a path to someone else. One is giving spoken or written instructions about how to move from one place […]

Praying through Lent with the Universal Apostolic Preferences

February, 2022 – This Lent, the Jesuits of the USA Central and Southern Province invite you to deepen your prayer through the lens of the Society of Jesus’ four Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAPs). Four Jesuits in formation in this province have each written a brief reflection on one of the four UAPs, providing both information […]