Bridges, St. Louis, Missouri
The Bridges Foundation offers spirituality programs, including retreats, workshops and other educational opportunities to anyone seeking to deepen their relationship with God through ongoing formation.
For more information on the retreat and the information sessions, visit:
Ignatian Formation Institute, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Somos un grupo de laicos católicos en Puerto Rico formados en la experiencia de los Ejercicios Espirituales de San Ignacio de Loyola. Estamos organizados con la misión de formar acompañantes para dar los Ejercicios Espirituales Ignacianos y que las personas descubran elsentido y propósito de su vida en relación con Dios en la tradición ignaciana.
We are a group of Catholic laymen and laywomen in Puerto Rico who have received formation in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Our mission is to form spiritual companions to give the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises to others, guiding them to discover the true purpose of their life in relationship with God in the Ignatian tradition.
Ignatian Spirituality Center, Kansas City, Missouri
The Ignatian Spirituality Center of Kansas City assists people as they explore and deepen their relationship with God in Jesus Christ. It provides individual and group prayer programs and formation for prayer guides.
Ignatian Spirituality Institute, Lake Dallas, Texas
The Ignatian Spirituality Institute shapes participants in principles of Ignatian Spirituality through academic study and experiential formation. Those who successfully complete ISI programming will be mature disciples able to serve the Church in various ministries, including helping others make the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius.
Ignatian Spirituality Program at Regis, Colorado
The Ignatian Spirituality Program is now an initiative of the Office of Mission at Regis University in Denver, Colorado. The Ignatian Spirituality Program at Regis offers group opportunities, individual spiritual direction, and the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life in the tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola. All who seek to deepen their relationship with God are welcome.
For more information, visit:
Lightworks, St. Louis, Missouri
LIGHTWORKS is a 14-week experience of Ignatian prayer offered by St. Francis Xavier College Church.
The Next Chapter Institute, St. Louis, Missouri
The Next Chapter Program, grounded in Ignatian spirituality, is a six-month guided journey with a group of approximately eighteen people who are approaching retirement or who are recently retired. The ultimate goal of the program is to assist people to discern who God is calling them to be and what God is calling them to do in their next chapter of life. For more information see or email