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Share in the mission

Jesuit Networks and Volunteer Opportunities

Today the mission of the Central and Southern Province continues to attract men and women of faith and generosity who want to make a difference in the world by putting their beliefs into action. Some men feel attracted to a life of service as a Jesuit. Many graduates of Jesuit schools want to teach in a Jesuit high school after finishing college. People of retirement age can contribute their expertise by volunteering at service agencies. Everyone can participate in the mission of the Society of Jesus through Ignatian spirituality.


Alum Service Corps (ASC)

Give back what schools gave you
The Alum Service Corps (ASC) offers graduates of Jesuit high schools and Jesuit universities an opportunity to give back in gratitude for their Jesuit education by committing a year of service as faculty members in Jesuit middle or high schools.

Visit the ASC website.

ASC Mentor

Ignatian Volunteer Corps

Share your expertise with the needy
The Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC) invites St. Louis women and men over 50 to work two days a week in direct service to the poor. Volunteers gather monthly for prayer and reflection, meet regularly with a spiritual director and enjoy retreats and social gatherings throughout the year.

Visit the IVC website.

IVC Volunteer with students

Jesuit Friends and Alumni Network (JFAN)

Connect with others in spirituality and fellowship
The Jesuit Friends and Alumni Network (JFAN) gathers those with a commitment to the Jesuit mission and a desire to embrace the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Here in the Jesuits USA Central and Southern Province, JFAN-Kansas City offers presentations related to Jesuit ministries and Ignatian spirituality as well as networking and fellowship events.

Learn about the Jesuit Friends and Alumni Network of Kansas City.

JFAN-KC members

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