Jesuit Archives & Research Center

Preserving and Sharing the History of the Society of Jesus in the U.S.

The Jesuit Archives & Research Center (JARC) opened to the public in April 2018. Its mission is to:

  • serve an essential function of the intellectual apostolate of the Society as a “place of memory.”
  • provide a secure, organized repository for the patrimony of documents and artifacts. This preserves the history of a province, its communities, and apostolic works, as well as the lives of its members. Thus, the Society of Jesus may understand its past and animate its present and future endeavors.
  • support the current administration of a province and its apostolic mission.
  • make resources of history and spirituality available to help with the cultivation of Jesuit identity and the evangelization of cultures.
  • preserve the patrimony of the Society of Jesus in order to transmit it to future generations of Jesuits, who will act as emissaries to the culture at large.

The state-of-the-art facility serves as the collective memory of the following Jesuit provinces:

  • Buffalo
  • California
  • Chicago
  • Chicago-Detroit
  • Detroit
  • Missouri
  • New England
  • New Orleans
  • New York
  • Oregon
  • USA Central and Southern
  • USA Midwest
  • USA Northeast
  • USA West
  • Wisconsin

The archives is located in Midtown St. Louis, near the campus of Saint Louis University.

To contact an archivist about a research project, complete the form at