Secondary and Pre-Secondary Education

Fostering Intellectual and Spiritual Growth

Education is a cornerstone of the Society of Jesus, and has been since 1548 when the first Jesuit school opened in Messina, Sicily. Today, 3,730 schools carry on this tradition all around the world, expanding the minds of 2.5 million students.

In Canada and the United States, there are 81 pre-secondary and secondary schools with a shared goal of developing competent, compassionate and committed leaders in the service of the Church and society.

One distinctive aspect of Jesuit education at all levels is the emphasis on cura personalis — caring for the whole person in mind, body and spirit. Our schools foster not only intellectual development, but also moral and spiritual growth. The aim is to produce students who are “open to growth, intellectually competent, religious, loving, and committed to doing justice” by the time they leave. These five characteristics, better known as the “Grad at Grad,” exemplify what graduates of Jesuit high schools should embody upon graduation.

Province Leadership

Overseeing the secondary and pre-secondary schools in this province are:

Ron Rebore, Jr., Ph.D.

Provincial Assistant for Secondary & Pre-secondary Education

Barry Neuburger

Associate Provincial Assistant for Secondary & Pre-secondary Education


Cohort Gatherings

Mutual Support and Growth

Province Cohort Gatherings support the continued work of JSN-sponsored Cohort Gatherings, enabling same-job personnel to build relationships and share concrete ideas, strategies and best practices. 

Leaders in the Middle

Faith Formation for Experienced Ignatian Educators

Leaders in the Middle brings together department chairs, directors and other middle leaders to explore their unique roles in our schools.

High School Leadership Group

Gatherings and Shared Knowledge

The High School Leadership Group (HSLG) brings together leaders from all province schools: Jesuit superiors, board chairs, principals, and directors of the work (i.e. presidents). 

School Visits | Jesuit Sponsorship Review

Building Relationships

The province office staff helps facilitate conversations within the school and between the school and the province on the effectiveness of the school as an apostolate of the Society of Jesus and on how well it manifests the global Jesuit mission. 

Alum Service Corps

Giving Back and Growing

The Alum Service Corps (ASC) gives Jesuit school alumni an opportunity to give a year of post-college service in gratitude for their Jesuit education, while gaining valuable experience. 

New Ignatian Educators

Renewal for New Faculty

The New Ignatian Educators Retreat provides a time for reflection and renewal for first-year faculty, inviting them to be attentive to the work of the Holy Spirit and to consider how God is calling them both in their personal lives and in our Jesuit schools. 

International Society of Jesus

Documents related to the Jesuits’ educational mission can be found on the Jesuit Curia’s website.

School Visits | Jesuit Sponsorship Review

Building Relationships

Annual school visits by the province are meant to ensure a vibrant relationship between the school and the provincial as well as provide encouragement and constructive feedback to school leadership.

St. Louis University High (SLUH)
Regis Jesuit High School
NOVEMBER 27 – 30
Colegio San Ignacio
DECEMBER 10 – 12
Colegio San Ignacio
DECEMBER 12 – 13
Loyola Academy of St. Louis
JANUARY 8 – 10
Rockhurst High School
JANUARY 15 – 18
St. John’s College High School
Arrupe Jesuit High School
MARCH 18 – 20
Jesuit College Preparatory of Dallas
MARCH 25 – 27
Strake Jesuit College Preparatory
MARCH 28 – 29
Cristo Rey Jesuit College Preparatory
APRIL 3 – 5
De Smet Jesuit High School
APRIL 10 – 12
Jesuit High School of New Orleans